Saturday, 15 February 2014

#Project365 Week Seven

Day 40

Sunday was a lazy family day but we popped out for a Sunday Stroll and got some shopping from the brand new Aldi opened round the corner, this is Daddy and Elizabeth with their backpacks full of shopping!

Day 41

After work today I joined my lovely friends and fellow bloggers Pippa from Red Rose Mummy and Steph from Seeing Spots for a bite to eat followed by #CAfashion14, a lovely networking evening hosted by Country Attire.

Day 42

The weather has been interesting of late so I decided to treat myself to some new Wellies! I was thrilled to find these Joules ones on sale for just £18 in Office! Just in time for the Snowfall we had today!

Day 43

Ben was very excited to get his first Beaver badges today!

Day 44

We had lots of bathtime fun before bedtime today check out our full post here.

Day 45

Today was Valentines day, because of work and other commitments, myself and hubby only got to see each other for about an hour, but he did bring me these lovely tulips.

Day 46

Elizabeth had a substitute teacher for Baby Ballet this morning which meant the lesson was rather different from usual, she really took to it, getting into all the dances and becoming a bit giddy at the end of the class. This is her rolling on the floor after getting her Mini Movers certificate!

I'm adding this post to The Boy and Me's 365 linky, why not click on the badge and check out some of the other contributions? 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I love to read your comments, so please do share your thoughts!


  1. chantelle hazeldenSaturday, February 15, 2014

    Bet your glad you got those wellies ;) x

  2. The wellies and the tulips are both a gorgeous shade of pink! #project365

  3. sabrina montagnoliSaturday, February 15, 2014

    Love his face with his new badges! I so need to get myself some wellies too!

  4. oooooo loving those wellies!!! there so different with the fabric bow at the front :) #project365

  5. Love the foamy bath face photo!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  6. Haha! It's never good to have leaking willies!

  7. love the bubble beards my two love doing that and then saying 'ho ho ho!' well done on the Beavers badge and i do like those pretty pink wellies x

  8. Lovely photo's from the week, I am rather jealous of the wellies bargain. I am in desperate need of new wellies!

  9. disqus_dIRjNoslspSunday, February 16, 2014

    Loving your pink wellies! Those tulips are pretty lovely too and look how proud the kiddies are to get badges and a certificate!

  10. Love the wellies - think i need some of those!

  11. Ben and Elizabeth both look so proud of their badge and certificate, loving the new wellies

  12. those wellies look outrageously fantastic!!

  13. Gorgeous shots - what a great week. Love the tulips and the wellies and the certificate rolling on the floor! I look forward to sewing on badges for my 2 in due course!

  14. oh my i am so so loving those wellies xxx

  15. Love the wellies. Glad you went back for them! Lovely to see you on Monday.

  16. The bath time fun picture is brilliant!

  17. Looks like a fun week. Beautiful flowers


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