Sunday, 23 February 2014

#Project365 Week Eight

Day 47
Today we visited some friends at their new house, because of hectic diaries it was a long over due visit  and we also exchanged Christmas gifts!  This is the children very impressed with the Gruffalo  magnet book they received. 

Day 48
Things have been getting to me recently in work and today I decided to  stop feeling sorry for my self and start looking for another job. 

Day 49
Elizabeth was  very excited to be picking her big brother up from Big Gran's house today, so much so she ran ahead of me and knocked on the door herself. 

Day 50
Today Ben and I went on a trip to London , we had a fabulous time visiting the  Gamsey offices  have monster fun, we then had some time to spare before our return train so decided to visit the Natural History Museum to see some dinosaurs! Ben loved it but I have to admit I was more impressed with the incredible building! I'll have to return to check it out properly next time I'm in London!

   Day 51

It was a rather miserable day weather wise so Ben  stayed in with Nanna playing games and  solving puzzles!  He then decided to play  chef  and  made some scrumptious macaroni cheese  with the recipe from his weekend box!  It was delicious! You can get a FREE weekend box at with code Jennifer1616 .

Day 52

Today was a LEGO sort of day! I need say no more....

Day 53
 Today we had some houses to view as we are looking to get on to the first rung if the property ladder (finally!)  afterwards we wrapped up  warm and went to play at the park! The children love the outdoor gym in our local park do they had a go on the fab exercise machines! 

I'm adding this post to The Boy and Me's 365 linky, why not click on the badge and check out some of the other great contributions? 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I love to read your comments, so please do share your thoughts!


  1. Good to meet you this week. We loved the Natural History Museum last time we went - think we are due a return trip.

  2. It was definitely lego day weather last week. The museums sound great - must make the trip to London soon. And good luck on the job front. X

  3. Lovely photos, I hope you have luck with the job hunting!

  4. the museum visit sounds interesting - must take my two one day to the one near us. good luck on the job front x

  5. awww honey i am so so keeping my fingers crossed for a new job for you soon honey xxxxxx

  6. I am SO excited by picture number 2 it's unreal! LOVE LOVE LOVE - good luck

  7. Love the Natural History Museum, it's a beautiful building isn't it #365

  8. The macaroni cheese delicious. It's perfect comfort food for a miserable day stuck inside! Thanks for the weekend box code, I've decided to give it a go and see what my girls think of it :)

  9. my buggy junctionMonday, February 24, 2014

    a grufallo magnet book that sounds like fun!! good luck with the job applications you will find something fab soon i know it xxx

  10. Elaine LivingstoneMonday, February 24, 2014

    we have various parks with gym equipment in, they are a great idea, and you see adults using them while watching their children. Good luck with the new job hunt, nothing worse than being in a job you dont like, I have had my current job for 10 years and love it. Its great how siblings miss each other, but fight like cat and dog when together.

  11. disqus_dIRjNoslspMonday, February 24, 2014

    Good luck with the job hunting Jen. I love that photo of the children in the park! Happy house hunting too! x

  12. Good luck in the job hunting #Project365

  13. Bit of a daredevil on that playground equipment, very brave not to hold on!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


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