Friday, 20 April 2012

Visit National Trust places for free and find out about 50 things to do before you're 11 and 3/4...

 The ‘50 Things to do before you’re 11¾’ campaign is in response to a report commissioned by the National Trust which highlighted research that fewer than one in ten children regularly play in wild places compared to almost half a generation ago, and a third have never climbed a tree!

I find this awful too read, both our children love running around playing outside whatever the weather! My husband runs a scout group so we're never short of ideas for outdoor fun! Ben at just four has already visited Daddy on scout camps and helped to collect wood, build shelters and make campfires!

This fab new 50 Things to do before you’re 11¾ campaign provides a checklist for under-12s (and those who are young at heart!) including everything from running around in the rain and bug hunting, to setting up a snail race, damming a stream, flying a kite and growing your own veg!

To help bring to life these simple pleasures, the Trust has formed a group of Elite Rangers who will share their expert tips on enjoying outdoor adventures and their enthusiasm for encouraging children to play alfresco.

The five rangers, all Trust staff, come from across the UK and range in age from 29 to 49. They include a 6ft 3” tree climbing expert, who has scaled 50 metre-high trees, (a.k.a. Tree Man), Captain Skim who can skim a stone over 26 times and Midas the treasure hunter. The other rangers are Den-Boy, an outdoor hideaway-building champion, and a mini beast expert (aka The Bug Catcher).

The fantastic five will be offering top tips on their chosen skill to the nation’s children over a Free Weekend (21st and 22nd April) when the National Trust will open up over 200 of its houses and gardens for free over the weekend, as well as all the countryside spaces it cares for, which are always free access.

You can can pick up a free 50 Things To Do Before You’re 11¾ scrapbook from participating properties! To find out more and sign up go to where children can fill in their completed activities and earn points towards their very own explorer badge!

So if you're looking for an outdoor adventure for Free this weekend pop over to the National Trust Website here to print a voucher which will allow a family of four (2 adults and two children) into a participating property for free on Saturday or Sunday this week!

Why not take a picnic with you? While you're preparing it you could share your picnic tips and enter our competition!

Or if you'd rather enjoy some local produce at the property you visit print your voucher here to get 20% off when you spend £15 in selected cafes...


  1. We're big fans of the outdoors too. At 22 months Little Miss has completed 6 of the list :)

    1. fab!We're working through the list with our two also! :0)


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