Monday, 9 November 2015

How we spend the Bedtime Hour... #milkdrinkersmilk

cravendale milk in a masons jar

To many, the bedtime hour is about routine, it's quiet time for your children to wind down, to have baths, stories and be ready to drift off to sleep. 

For me it's so much more. 

As a parent who works full time, for me the hour before my children's bedtime is the most precious hour of the day, it is the only part of the day I get to spend with them during the week. It's the time I get to chat to them about their day, listen to them giggle while they tell jokes, share stories and watch them grow in to the beautiful, kind little people they are becoming. 

The bedtime hour - frugi camping onesie

Unlike many families we don't have a strict bedtime routine, we have a set bedtime and of course before that the children have washes, brush their teeth and get their pyjamas on, but we try to do this as quickly as possible to make the most of our time together. I like to let the my eight and four year olds lead the way for this time we have together. Some days we will play a quick board game or do a jigsaw, others we will read together and some times we'll just chat and giggle while enjoying a glass of refreshing Cravendale milk and a slice of toast or brioche for supper!


girl drinking milk

While we work, the children attend breakfast club and after school club which means that during the week we aren't at home during the day, and we only have breakfast together at weekends. As we are out of the house for most of the week Cravendale is the ideal milk for us, because it's filtered, it stays fresher for longer and once opened will last for up to seven days in the fridge, meaning that we can enjoy a delicious fresh glass of milk together any night of the week without worry. 

milk and toast supper in a masons jar

I'd love to know how you spend your bedtime hour? Do you have a routine or let your children lead it?

This post is an entry for BritMums #MilkDrinkersMilk Linky Challenge, sponsored by Cravendale 

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