Monday, 2 February 2015

Welcome to our home... by Elizabeth aged 4

I have been writing this blog since my daughter was just a few months old and today I'm thrilled to share with you her first contribution to it!

The lovely folks at KeepMoat invited us to take part in their My First Home campaign and share our home with you through the eyes of a child. I thought this was a lovely way of preserving memories of the first home that my children will remember and was keen to take part.

Elizabeth was sent a Kiddizoom Twist Plus camera from VTech and asked to create a video of our home tells us about the things she loves and showing us her favourite places. She loves taking photographs and i'm always finding evidence of her photography skills on my phone! However this was the first time she had really taken any video so I did have to help her with some of the filming but she soon got the hang of it! The tour of the house and the things she chose to video and talk about were totally her choice and it as really interesting to she what she chose to talk about! It made me open my eyes a little bit more and actually look at some of the things in our home that I usually take for granted.

So here it is, my little girl's first vlog...

Welcome to our home by Elizabeth aged 4:

This post is Elizabeth's entry into the My First Home Blogger Competition from Keepmoat.


  1. She is a proper cutie, she looks like she enjoyed herself x

  2. Aw bless her - Thoroughly enjoying having a nosy around blogger's homes! Loved it when they told each other they love them! Aw!

  3. Omg she is so adorable! I love how she said 'I live with my mummy daddy and my Ben' I just watched the video with Zach and he was very impressed with the kids bedroom. He loves the Hulk! Well done Elizabeth on such a great video! x

  4. How cute, well done on your first vlog Elizabeth, you did an amazing job x


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