Friday, 12 July 2013

What are your Holiday Habits?

As the summer holidays get closer many families are starting to think about packing their bags and traveling somewhere sunny for a break away. Of course we are all different and the ideal holiday for one family may be a nightmare for another. The MMP brood love nothing better than a break in a caravan or holiday park at the British Seaside and loved our Butlins break this year! I dread the idea of taking my children on a long plane journey to somewhere where I'd constantly be searching for shade! However I know that it's the opposite for many other families. It's surprising then to discover that many of us have very similar 'holiday habits'.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by Moneysupermarket and asked if I would like to help them out by completing a survey about my holiday habits. As well as planning how to spend the £30 they gave me as a thank you I was quite excited to find out the results, mainly because I'm nosy, but also because I wonder if what we do on holiday is 'the norm'. As both myself and Mr MMP work full time and the children are in childcare for most of the week, we really value any time we get off together and tend to pack it full of activities!

                                        Image source: MoneySupermarket Travel Insurance

There were some results that I expected and some that really did surprise me...

 Are there really only 8% of us who still send a good old paper postcard?

To me it's not a proper holiday if I don't get to pick out a cheesy looking card, scrawl 'wish you were here' on the back and wait for it to arrive with friends around two weeks after we get back!

Why do postcards always take twice s long as 'normal' post? Is it a secret? Does anyone know?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who only ever wears around half of what I pack, if I'm honest it may be less than that, I plan out my full outfit for each day, then end up in the same 2 comfy dresses all week!

What are you hioiday habits?


  1. The study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stress - known as the stress-resilience test - improved by 29 per cent. Holiday Square

  2. I went last year in Summer to spend my holidays in England. I had so much fun and the best part of trip was a beautiful hotel where I stayed in.


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