Thursday, 18 July 2013

I'm going to #BlogonMOSI!

In just a few days time I will be rocking on down to one of my favourite local museums, the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, but rather than having my family in tow for a fun filled day out, I will have my #Blogon instead!

I will be joining around 70 other bloggers from all around the North at the brand new Blogger conference from BlogsupNorth... Blog On.

Both Blog On and Blogs up North are being brought to us by the 'supermum' who you may know better as Tired Mummy of Two. Laura and I started blogging around a similar time and first met at The Baby Show back in 2011, since then we have attended many events together and she has saved me from getting lost in big scary London, on more than one occasion. Being tired of having to trek down south to attend events and meet up with other bloggers and their families, she decided to do something about it and started to arrange events and meet ups in the north. I am really grateful to her for this as we have had some fantastic Days out and I have made some lovely new friends thanks to this!

So that we don't all stand alone in the corner too scared to say hello,  the lovely Heather has started an Introduce Yourself linky and it's my turn to join in...

Me and my monsters at Race for life

So this is me ^^^ I'm the one in the middle wearing the silly hat after Race for life last weekend, I'm hot, sweaty and tired so if this weather stays, pretty much the same way i'll be on Sunday, minus the hat and the number covering my boobs of course!

I'm Jen, (NOT Jenny) a slightly dipsy, bargain hunting, working Mummy of two. I live in Prestwich, North Manchester with my gorgeous husband and two beautiful monsters, Ben who's almost six and Elizabeth who is two and a half. I spend my spare time the time I should spend sleeping hunting out bargains and writing about my life as a penny pinching mummy at I also run a money saving community page and group on facebook and you can find me on twitter too. I am slightly obsessed with taking photos and share just a few of them (only about 1400 or so ;) ) on Instragram here.

I'm a vegetarian, and love cooking, baking and of course eating food, I just wish I had more time to blog about it! I'm all about shopping around and finding a good bargain really makes me smile but I do like to look after the environment for my children's future so try to buy organic when we can. I don't drive so spend a lot of my time chatting on facebook while sitting on the bus!

I go to quite a lot of local blogging events so may well have met some of you before, I'm rubbish with names so please don't hate me if I forget yours! I attended Britmums for the first time this year and found it pretty over whelming as my dyspraxia means I can have trouble vocalising things in large groups so I'm really looking forward to the smaller scale but still EPIC Blog on...

Laura has given me the job of selling raffle tickets on the day so please do bring some pennies with you and come and find me! Tickets will be just £1 for 5 with all proceeds going to Clic Sargent and there are some pretty awesome prizes!! I've been told I have 2500 tickets to sell, so please help this fantastic cause (and me as I'm not sure if she'll let me go home if I don't sell out!)

Looking forward to meeting you all!

See you Sunday...

Jen x


  1. Yay! SO excited. Really looking forward to Blog On!

  2. Hehe I will let you go without selling out but I was told I didn't have enough to begin with so decided I had to buy too many instead :)

    See you Sunday

  3. I'll do my best to help you sell out! See you Sunday :)

  4. I will definitely come and find you if you're sorting the raffle, it looks ace! See you tomorrow x


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