Thursday, 20 June 2013

Win #theroyalsweepstake with Bambino Mio...

Where ever I go at the moment there is talk of the Duchess of  Cambridge's baby bump and her upcoming birth...

So with the birth of the Royal baby just around the corner, Bambino Mio invite you to guess the date, weight and gender of the impending Royal baby. The very lucky winner will receive a fantastic prize bundle worth over £600 full of products perfect for your own little prince or princess...

Pop over to the Bambino Mio Facebook page to enter now...

Good Luck!


  1. Pretty cool giveaway! I hate to sound rude though, but I must correct you - she's the Duchess of Cambridge, hun. :)

  2. How silly of me!!! I've updated it now, serves me right for multi-tasking!

  3. Oh wow, that's a fab prize. Trouble is i don't even know what month she's supposed to be due in lol


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