Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Turning old clothes into new pennies...

As you know I am a great believer in buying second hand items. Not only does this mean saving those important pennies but it also helps the environment by saving unwanted items ending up in landfill, not to mention reducing carbon emissions in the manufacturing process of  new products.

 One family's rubbish is another family's treasure just waiting to be found!

I love browsing car boot sales and charity shops just waiting to come across that perfect find! From retro homewares and vintage clothes to children's books and toys, our house is filled with pre-loved bargains now lovingly adopted by my children and I.

Upcycling has also become very fashionable recently and I am always on the lookout for a new project to get my creative juices flowing!

Ever the practical one of us, my darling husband realises if he lets me carry on we'll need to move to a bigger house, so insists that every time I come home with a bag full of 'finds', I have to get rid of some things we don't need!

Now I do think we NEED EVERYTHING we have!! But if course that's not strictly true and most recently I have been coming to terms with the fact that now my son and daughter are 5 and 2 1/2 I don't really need to keep every item of clothing they have owned since they were born, there are some special pieces that I will probably keep until they have children of their own, but the majority of it has got to go...

As children's clothes get worn so little as they grow so quickly, they are often in fantastic condition when they don't fit any longer, I regularly pass on clothes to friend's children as well as selling clothes online on a selection of websites from ebay to music magpie, making some pennies ready to spend on the next bargains I discover!


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