Monday 1 April 2013

#Easter Weekend #365 #88 #89 #90 and #91

A you may have noticed I've not been posting my photo a day posts over the weekend, Well I've still been taking photos (lots of them!) I've just been having a bit of time away from the laptop to enjoy some lovely family time over Easter Weekend. So here are photos 88, 89, 90 and 91...

Good Friday...

My little Easter bunny holding Daddy and Nann's hands on the way to the Manchester Duck Race at Spinningfields in aid of the Brainwave charity...


We had a fun day out at Dow Bowl, both the children beat me!

Easter Sunday...

We had a lovely Easter Sunday visiting family in the morning and then exploring Heaton Park in the afternoon  and had a lovely ride on the old fashioned trams...

Easter Monday...

Today was a restful day before we returned to work tomorrow but I was delighted to be able to dry my nappies on the line for the first time this year!

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