Friday, 27 July 2012

An Olympic Offer from Bambino Mio...

So the Olympics have begun and tonight will see the official start with the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games! While the world waits with baited breath to find out how Danny Boyle will be presenting Great Britain to the world in his much anticipated showcase, the 'bargain hunter' in me is rather excited about something else...

The celebratory promotions and offers from lots of our patriotic businesses!
To start them off Bambino Mio are offering you a massive 20.12% off everything from Today, Friday 27th July to 12th August 2012 when the games finish. And that’s not all; there is free delivery on every order too!

Launching at the time of the opening ceremony, Bambino Mio’s summer promotion kicks off at 20:12pm on the evening of Friday 27th July 2012. Simply visit and your 20.12% discount and free delivery will be applied automatically at the checkout.

If you're not familiar with Bambino Mio why not check out the Miosolo challenge we participated in earlier in the year? You can read all about what we thought of their latest offering to the world of fluff, the Mio Solo all in one nappy.
If you like what you see why not try one for less than £12 with this great discount?
If you already have a full stash (Can you ever have enough nappies?) then check out their range of accessories from liners and sanitiser to wet bags and buckets...
Or if your little one is approaching potty training then take a look at their potty and training pants starting at just £4.49 with this discount!
This year Bambino Mio celebrates their 15th anniversary. They have become an increasingly popular choice for parents all over the world and they continue to develop high quality, affordable and environmentally friendly products as much today as they were 15 years ago.

Let the games begin!

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