Tuesday, 17 January 2012

#Miosolochallenge Day #1 - The stay at Home Challenge...

Yesterday I told you all about the #miosolochallenge...

Well,  today was our first day of trying the Miosolo on Elizabeth and I have to admit I was rather excited, I have been eyeing the three miosolos up in the nappy box all weekend ever since they were prewashed and dried, but I managed to control myself and waited for today after work to finally try one!

When we got home from nursery I undressed Elizabeth and changed her botty. The first solo we opted for was the Cola Cube, it's a really nice bright reddish colour that I think would look fab on both girls and boys!

I found the Miosolo really easy to 'set up' and put on Elizabeth. After having folded the nappy
out to dry on the radiator rack I simply needed to tuck the inner into the pocket and snap the poppers to the right size. (At 13 thirteen months but still only 17lbs Elizabeth is a tall but skinny baby so I adjusted these to the middle setting).

I popped a mioliner into the inside and was ready to go!

Elizabeth likes to think that nappy change time is a game, I lie her down, take off her nappy, get a new one out and she crawls away with a bare bum and giggles! Now, although this may sound like fun, when it is repeated every single nappy change (and has resulted in more that a few 'carpet accidents) it can get a bit frustrating!

The strong velcro and simple shape of the Solo meant that I was able to get the nappy on and fastened in super quick time and she didn't have a chance to escape! (not until after it was fastened anyway!) (Mummy wins that round!)

The fit of the solo was nice and snug, the crossover tab at the front meant that there was no gaping at her waist which I find there can be with some cloth nappies. The elasticated leg cuffs were soft and seemed comfortable on, giving her lots of room to move and not digging into her skin.

The velcro was easy to adjust but strong enough so that little fingers couldn't pull it open (not yet anyway!) and the overall look of the nappy was really nice, It didn't look bulky or uncomfortable on Elizabeth at all!

 We spent the next few hours at home playing, Elizabeth was able to crawl about on her playduvet and cruise along the furniture following her big brother about with ease. She did not seem restricted by the nappy at all. While sitting in her highchair to have dinner the harness strap did not dig into the nappy or cause it to wick.

After just under three hours playing in her first Miosolo I changed Elizabeth into her usuall 'night-time cloth' ready for bed. (No Miosolo tonight, but we do have an overnight challenge coming up later in the week!!! eek!)

When I took the nappy off to pop in the nappy bucket, it was wet but not saturated and Elizabeth's skin was not damp or clammy at all. With no sign of leakage after a very active few hours of playing I have to say our first day of the #miosolo challenge was a complete success!

Why not pop over to Twitter and search #miosolochallenge to see how my fellow bloggers are getting on?

Don't forget to watch out for Challenge number 2 tomorrow...

In the meantime if you like what you see and you fancy trying a Miosolo for yourself Bambino Mio have a fabulous #miosolochallenge offer on this week...


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