Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The coundown to Christmas is about to start...

So tomorrow is the 1st of December!! I cannot believe 2011 has flown by so quickly! So much has happened this year! My son Ben has started school, I have watched Elizabeth grow from a tiny baby into an adventurous little toddler with her own personality, and I have discovered and entered the blogosphere!

All that and more has happened yet I shocked to find that we are approaching Christmas already! Usually tonight I would be wrapping up little toys and sweets for Ben's beautiful wooden advent calendar ready for him to start opening in the morning! But this year like most of our other belongings, it is packed away in a box ready for our move next week. Ben is just as excited about his chocolate Peppa Pig calendar but to me it's just not the same!

Whether we're ready for it or not the countdown to Christmas will be starting tomorrow and while the children open a paper window to reveal a chocolate each day many companies are bringing you an advent of offers and competitions! So keep an eye on the facebook page and twitter feed where I will do my best to share any I find with you and if you see any I miss please share them with our community of 'penny pinching' mummies!

So what do you do to countdown down advent with your children? Do you have any family traditions/ Does anyone make there own 'advent calendars?

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