Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Win £500 worth of Baby Goodies with INFACOL!

Infacol, the UK’s leading colic relief treatment, is offering one lucky person the chance to win a £500 worth of baby goodies and raising awareness of colic in the process. 

Infacol’s new social media pages officially launched on 3rd October 2011 (Facebook / Twitter / Blog / YouTube) and together, are dedicated to creating the ultimate parenting and baby wellbeing social community where you can learn, share tips and advice and get updated on all things relating to the wellbeing of your new addition - with a focus on colic of course.

To celebrate the launch of this new initiative, Infacol are running a sweepstake competition on their Facebook page, the prize being approximately £500 worth of baby related goods.

It’s simpleJust ‘Like’ the new Facebook page then answer 3 colic related questions correctly and follow the instructions to enter the contest - one lucky winner will be picked to win the prize on 2/11/11.

Competition Closes 1/11/11

The Prize: The goody bag contains an exciting range of premium brand unisex baby related goods, ideal for a newborn. The actual contents of the goody bag remain secret but the total value is equivalent to £500 of goods (RRP). take a sneak peak at what could be inside here.

Good luck Mummies!
 I'm running this post with Blog Match to share with you this fabulous competition I am recieving no payment but they are sending Elizabeth a Moo Moo cuddly toy to say thank you!

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