Thursday, 20 October 2011

Britax B-Smart 4 - my first impressions...


So Mummies you may remember I was very excited a few weeks ago to find out I had won the Emma's Diary Competition at the Manchester Baby Show for a Britax -Smart 4 in Black Thunder! Well it arrived last week and today I used it for the first time! So I thought I would share my first impressions with you lovely readers...

Firstly I could not believe how easy it was to put together! I had meant to do it last night and completely forgot, So ended up opening the box at 7.30 this morning while the little ones were eating breakfast and watching Disney Junior, and even at that time in the morning, all on my own it took me less than 10 minutes! When it was all together it looked fab! I have to admit I was a bit unsure about it being all black, all the prams and buggies I've had up to know have had a bit of colour to them (usually purple) so the ideal of this one being all black made me think it might look a bit bland but I was wrong! The combination of the black frame with the black seat and fabrics is very effective and looks really sleek! The whole look of the B-Smart is rather sophisticated and sleek really!

So after a full day of using this pushchair there are some things about it I already love and some things I'm not so keen on yet! I'll start with the 'loves'...

The 'Look' - Well as you've probably guessed I LOVE the look of it, it's the ultimate 'Mummy Accessory' that will go with anything!

The Wheels/ Tyres - For the past year I have has a pushchair with Air filled tyres and in that time I have had no less than 5 punctures (And yes I've tried Slime!!) So I was very pleased to find that the B-Smart does NOT have air filled tyres, however I was worried that this would mean a bumpier ride for Elizabeth. I had no need to worry as the ride was very smooth even on rather uneven road surfaces!

The Basket - What more can I say other than... It's HUGE! Ideal for all that Christmas Shopping!

The Seat - The seat is shaped and padded and Elizabeth looked very comfy in it today! It also has a very easy recline mechanism so it's nice and easy to adjust when she falls asleep!

The Handlebar - Really easy to adjust so it was really comfortable for me today, it did not pull on my back (as some do) and was easily adjusted for Hubby when he came to meet us after work and took over 'pushing duty!'

The brake - I love the little flick on flick off foot brake, that changes colour so you can quickly check whether its on or not! Fab!

So these are the main things I LOVE about the Britax B-Smart, now onto a few things that I'm less convinced on...

The Raincover - It rained for a lot of today so while we were outside I was forced to have the rain cover on, and I really missed the the 'window' on my old raincover where I could reach in to Elizabeth if she wanted a snack or lost her 'dodi' while having a nap, etc rather than having to remove the whole thing.

The Straps - I don't know if I'm missing something here, but I couldn't see how to detach the straps so I could put a liner in? Although the seat is lovely and padded my little girl tends to make a mess when she has snacks in her pushchair so I like to have a liner that I can easily take off and wash. Also there is not Foot muff provided with the B-Smart (I used my Bundlebean today which was great) but if I were to buy one how would I attach it?

As you can see there are a lot more 'Loves' as I really do like this pushchair! I'll write a full review for you all when I've been using it a while, I just thought I would share my first impressions after using it for a whole day!

 If you've got a Britax B-Smart please do share your thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog while seaching for facts about britax b smart, Im thinking about buying one My self, so thank you for making the choice easy! There was not so mutch info in swedish so Im happy I found your blog!


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