Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Max Factor Ageless Elixir 2in1 Foundation and Serum - Trying it out!

So Mummies! Last week I wrote about my delight at being chosen for Supersavvyme's Savvy Circle project with Max Factor! Over the next eight weeks I will be trying out the yet to be released Ageless Elixir 2in1 Foundation + Serum, which claims to instantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while the added serum simultaneously protects the skin again signs of aging due to it's SPF15.

Well on Saturday we had my mum staying with us so she offered to look after the little ones while myself and my hubby went out!! Just the cinema and a quick meal so not a 'big night on the town' but it was a nice change to staying in and it meant I got the perfect opportunity to try out the new Max Factor Ageless Elixir 2in1 Foundation + Serum!!

So after tucking Ben and Elizabeth in bed I sat down at my dressing table and took out the bottle. When I opened it I immediately got a 'whiff' of the scent. Although not an unpleasant smell, it was fairly strong and I thought if that's all over my face it could be quite overpowering!

I got out a new make up sponge and applied it to my face. The liquid was smooth and seemed to glide on really easily not needing too much blending. The 'Natural' colour suited my pale skin tone perfectly and once applied it felt really lightweight and soft. Looking closely in the mirror I could see immediately that it had evened out my skin and made it look smoother! As we were about to leave even my mum (who doesn't complement very easily, commented that my 'make up' looked nice! So far so good!

As the night wore on I actually stopped noticing the scent of the foundation and to be honest barely knew I was wearing make up as it felt so light! When I got home and looked in the mirror 5 hours after first applying it still looked really smooth and even, it had lasted well! The foundation came off easily with my regular cleansing wipes leaving my skin fresh and clean.

The first use has gone well! So far I am impressed! I gave my Mum a couple of samples and a voucher for her to try out as she was impressed with how it looked on me! I'll keep updating you all as I use it! If you're a fellow project member please let me know how you're finding it too!


  1. I'm another project member! Have tried it a couple of times - can't quite make up my mind at the moment as it feels so different from my usual foundation - which is actually MF as well. Plan to put up a post about it soon too.

  2. I think it's great. I got a sample of it in a magazine and thought it made my skin so smooth and radiant looking that I went out and bought it! great stuff it lasts all day too


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