Friday, 16 September 2011

Fit Antibacterial Vegetable wash - 100% natural!

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You will probably know by now if you are a regular reader that as a family we try to eat organic when possible. We have yummy weekly fruit and vegetable boxes delivered and I love cooking with fresh seasonal vegetables! I always thoroughly wash our fruit and veg and usually just use water (sometimes a vegetable brush to scrub those carrots or spuds that come covered in soil!) however last week I was sent an interesting new product to try!

Fit Antibacterial Fruit and Vegetable wash is 100% Natural, and removes 98% more pesticides, waxes, people-handling residues, and other contaminants than washing with water alone!

To be honest I had always thought water was sufficient especially on organic produce, however I came across this on their website which made me think again!

Organic produce can have higher levels of bacteria due to the use of natural fertilizers and the restrictions on how processors can clean the produce to adhere to current European Organic standards. Many of our customers use Fit on their organic produce when they purchase it to extend the shelf life as the high level of bacteria can accelerate normal deterioration.

So I thought why not try it?

I have now been using this spray to wash my fruit and vegetables for over a week and have to say I have actually noticed a difference! The colours of the vegetables are brighter after washing with this and seem tastier too! It completely took away that 'soily' taste that you can get with carrots and spuds!

At first I was concerned that a product that was able to do this may be full of chemicals. How else could it clean so throughly? But no, Fit Fruit & Vegetable Wash is 100% Natural and uses only food approved natural ingredients which include organic grapefruit juice! It is also certified and recommended by the UK Vegetarian Association.

My second concern was that it may leave an aftertaste that could put my son off eating fresh fruit, However we soon found that Fit rinses away completely, leaving clean fruit and veg with no aftertaste or smell! So my son still devours the fruit bowl at any opportunity!

Fit spray is really easy to use! You simply spray, rub and rinse! With fruit I cleaned with fit before putting in the fruit bowl so Ben could still help himself when he wanted to. With Vegetables I sprayed them while preparing for cooking.

It does state on the packaging that it is recommended to eat produce within two days of cleaning as it removes any preservatives, but we had fruit that was eaten after 3 or 4 days and was fine!

We were sent the 350ml sprayer bottle which costs £4.49 to purchase and they also have a 950ml bottle available for £5.99 which can be used as a refill for the sprayer or to crate a 'bath' to soak produce in.

I think this is really good value for a natural product that does seem to last! We have been using the spray on all fruit and veg for a week now and it's still over 3/4 full!

You can find out more about Fit Antibacterial Fruit and Vegetable wash and purchase it online at You can also keep up to date with the latest news and offers on Twitter!

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