Saturday 13 August 2011

Thank You!!

So I've had one of those weeks this week! Starting with an unpleasant trip to the dentist that resulted in me having a rather dodgy looking temporary veneer on my tooth for the next few weeks. Then developing a migraine that lasted for half the week (It's a while since I've had one that bad) Not getting much sleep because Missy is teething and seems to want to comfort feed for most of the night, and getting really behind on the mountain of washing that's piling up because my 3 year old who has been dry at night for quite a while has been wet every morning this week. :( Not to mention that it has been quite difficult to keep the two little ones entertained in the house all week because of the poor weather!

Now I know this pales in comparison to the week that a lot of people around the country have had thanks to the disgusting behaviour of mindless thugs and my thoughts are with everyone who has been affected. My gratitude and respect go out to the men and women of our police forces for their bravery in taking back control of our Cities, and also to the many thousands of people who got together to clean up the resulting devastation, and pulled together to help get businesses back up and running.

Back to my 'self pitying' moan for a moment, I was feeling rather down yesterday especially knowing that Hubby was going away on 'Scout Camp' for the weekend so I would be on my own in the evenings when the little ones were asleep in bed.

However, two things have happened to cheer me up completely! Firstly, last night you lovely people made me very happy as Mymummyspennies passed 500 liker's on facebook! I am so glad that so many of you enjoy reading my ramblings and I hope the reviews, offers, competitions and money saving tips I share are useful to you, please do let me know if there is a particular subject you would be interested in me writing about! I am sorting out some more great competitions to celebrate!

And secondly I was woken up this morning by Hubby and the two little ones poking a an enormous bunch of beautiful roses in my face. (Hubby has a thing about buying flowers, he things it's soppy and very rarely does it, so it was a lovely gesture!) So I am now a happy Mummy and am looking forward to entertaining my two monsters this weekend!!

So I want to say a very big THANK YOU to all Mymummyspennies readers, followers and likers, and to my fabulous Hubby and gorgeous children!!

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