Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Zoomer Hedgiez Interactive Toy Review

My six year old daughter has always wanted a pet of her own, but at this time in our lives our busy routine just doesn't allow it, so she was delighted when she received the next best thing...

An interactive, brightly coloured, fluffy Hedgehog called Flip!

Zoomer Hedgiez Interactive Toy Review

Meet Flip, Our new Hedgehog Friend!

Zoomer Hedgiez interactive toys from Spinmaster are the perfect companion for for little ones who want the fun of an interactive companion without the mess or the responsibility! They are available in a variety of colours and designs suitable for both girls and boys aged from four years plus. With an RRP of  £39.99 (or currently available in the region of £25 - £30), Hedgiez are great value for an interactive toy and and on the lower end of the price point for the Zoomer range, yet still have a really good selection of features.

Zoomer Hedgiez toy blue

What Spinmaster have to say

Zoomer Hedgiez are cuddly pet hedgehogs that want to roll home with you. They can walk, do headstands, and even somersault around. Press their nose to make them sneeze, whistle or give you a kiss. Each Hedgy has their own unique style — complete with soft pet-able, brush-able fur. These furry friends love to be tickled, have pretty light-up eyes, and even have secret tricks for you to unlock. Collect all four - Tumbles, Dizzy, Whirl and Flip. Zoomer Hedgiez are full of giggles! 

Zoomer Hedgiez Flip in packaging - Blue

What's in the box?

In the box we discovered our new furry friend and a cute little hedgehog shaped comb, perfect for brushing it's soft, colourful fur.  We also found a printed instruction / cheat sheet to help us discover Flip's tricks! The toy is nice and easy to remove from the packaging, however you do need 4 AAA batteries which aren't supplied, so make sure you have them (and a small screwdriver) to hand ready to set up your child's new friend without delay!

Learning tricks with Zoomer Hedgiez Flip

Guaranteed to make you giggle!

Although, my six year old was smitten with Flip almost immediately, I've got to admit that at first I thought it looked a bit bright and garish and the glowing eyes a little freaky, however I soon changed my mind after watching my daughter interact with it and her delight as she pressed it's nose to make it sneeze or they way she clapped with joy a it did her favourite trick and rolled over! The electronic squeaks were quite endearing and not nearly as annoyed as I would have thought (until my daughter spent a day mimicking them that is, but that's another story!)

Brushing Zoomer Hedgiez fur with hedgehog comb

One of the features I'm quite fond of though, is the ability to reduce the volume! My eldest child has had 'interactive' toys before and I've sometimes resorted to removing the batteries just to get them to stop making crazy noises! It also has a simple off switch so isn't one of those toys that will freak you out by making random noises as you walk across the room in the middle of the night!

My Favourite pet - Zoomer Hedgiez

Our Verdict

Elizabeth loves her fluffy friend can often be found chatting away to him and brushing his fur. She gives Zoomer Hedgiez  a big thumbs up!

This product was sent to us for the purpose of review and all opinions are our own.

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