Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Adventures of Bernie the Beaver...

Seven weeks ago my then seven year old, Ben, arrived home from Beavers with a huge grin plastered across his face. It was finally his turn. He got to bring Bernie the Beaver home....

                                                                                                                         ...for the whole summer!!

He's been going to Beavers for almost two years now and has been waiting to be chosen to look after the group mascot for most of that time. He was delighted that Bernie would be staying at our house for not just a single week but seven whole weeks!

He could wait to start our summer adventures and luckily we had lots of fun planned for the summer holidays.

As well as taking photos of Bernie while he joined our family for the summer, Ben had to write up a journal entry detailing where he had visited.

Ben asked if we could also share this on 'Mummy's Pennies' (as he calls the blog) and I thought it was a great idea. So I'm going to pass you over to Ben, please enjoy this very special guest post from my eight year old. He would love to read your comments at the end.

This summer Bernie the beaver came to stay with my family. He is a very special beaver who likes to go on adventures. He came to stay with me, my Mum, my Dad and my little sister. We did lots of fun things together. We went to two festivals, Festwich in our local park and Just So Festival in Cheshire. Bernie liked listening to the music and having lots of fun.

We went to three castles. Skipton castle in Yorkshire, Wray castle in the Lake District and Windsor castle in London 

We went on two camping trips and Bernie liked sleeping in a tent!

We went on a boat on Windermere and a boat trip on the Thames in London. 

Bernie likes LEGO like me so we visited Legoland discovery centre in Manchester and saw lots of LEGO and we went to Legoland in Windsor where i'd never been before. It was lots of fun and Bernie liked the red LEGO Ninja. We went to Sealife and saw the Jellyfish that changed colour in the water.

We also went to somewhere called Malham in Yorkshire and slept in bunkbeds with green pillows and walked through the woods and found a very big waterfall. I'm glad Bernie didn't fall in.

I had lots of fun with Bernie and I hope he enjoyed coming on adventures with my family this summer.

Ben, 8.

Check out our photos on social media using the hashtag #Adventuresofberniethebeaver

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