Friday, 12 June 2015

I'm going to #BritmumsLive with!

I’m going to BritMums Live

Britmums Live is the biggest two day event for UK lifestyle and parent bloggers and I'm thrilled to announce that I will be attending for my third consecutive year thanks to the lovely folks at!

Oony are a company that is right up my street. As a penny pinching Mum, I am always looking for ways to save money and try to avoid paying full price for anything if possible.

Oony started up back in 2012 with a clear goal in mind: to make it possible for every person to spend less on every single purchase they make.

It wasn’t easy, and it took a lot of experimentation. They focused on bank discounts and coupons, and then on daily deals, only to realize the best way to help people save money is to combine all things and offer the best discounts and money saving resources to make spending less money easier. They went from mobile to desktop, to mobile again, and then they realized if they wanted to be really helpful they had to be everywhere. Because great opportunities come in many forms and in many places, and it’s just a matter of finding the best one for each purchase!
I am thrilled to be sponsored by a company that is just as focused on saving money as I am and you will be reading more about them here very soon...

As well as learning new skills, Britmumslive is all bout the blogging community, catching up with blogging chums, making new friends and listening to inspirational speakers. This year will be especially emotional as one of my closest blogging friends, Jenny from The Brick Castle will be one of the blogger keynote speakers, reading a post she wrote about the loss of her daughter Elspeth, last year. It is a post that has helped so many people over the last ten months and I know she is very proud to be reading it in front of hundreds of bloggers. I have the tissues at the ready...

I look forward to seeing lots of friends and hopefully making some new ones, do come and say hello if you spot me!

Here are a few photos of last years fun!

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