Sunday, 22 February 2015

Join us for a #DocMcStuffins Twitter Party on Thursday!

On Thursday we will be hosting our very own fun-filled #DocMcStuffins party to celebrate the launch of the new Doc McStuffins Eye Clinic toys and you can join in the fun over on twitter! 

The party will be taking place on 26th February 2015 between 1pm and 3pm and i'd love to see you there, just follow @Mymummyspennies @DisneyJuniorUK and the #DocMcStuffins hashtag during that time and join in the chat for your chance to win great prizes!

We have been sent a box of goodies including games, activities and yummy snacks from Kiddylicious and Ella's Kitchen for our party guests to enjoy, as well as some of the latest Doc MStuffins toys including Doc McStuffins Eye Doctor Bag Playset, Doc McStuffins Scrubs Role Play Set and Doc McStuffins Specialist Eye Doctor Dottie Doll which are all available to buy at Smyths Toys.

All our guests will be playing with the toys and as well as playing games and giving their favourite toys a special 'check up', we'll be sharing our thoughts the latest additions to the Doc toy range from Flair. My daughter is already a big Doc McStuffins fan and we reviewed the Doc McStuffins Carry Along Clinc last year.

We can't wait to get playing with all the new toys and look forward to tweeting with you on Thursday!

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