Sunday, 5 October 2014

Frozen Anna and Elsa Dresses Review and Giveaway

Disney Frozen Anna Coronation Dress green review

 Like a lot of children her age, my daughter LOVES Disney's Frozen and I have to admit I'm quite a fan too! Her birthday is coming up next month and one of the first things she asked for was an Anna Dress. Just like I did as her age, she loves dressing up and already has rather full dress up box including Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Sofia, pirates, a couple of witches and a frog!

So it was perfect timing when the lovey folks at Otley Run Fancy Dress offered us the chance to review one of the beautiful Frozen dresses they have just started stocking. 

They have two Frozen themed dresses available; a gorgeous ice blue Elsa dress with sheer sleeves covered in glittery snowflakes and a beautifully regal green coronation style Anna dress with gold trimmings. Both dresses are available in sizes ranging from 2 - 3 to 9 - 10 for just £18.99 with £3.75 delivery. 

Elizabeth of course chose the Anna Coronation dress which arrived well packaged in just a few days.

There was no way I could keep it from until her birthday so we popped round to the grandparents house to have a photoshoot in their garden...

You may or may not be able to tell that I spent around forty minutes trying to perfect an 'Anna Coronation Day' hairstyle, I don't think i'll be giving up my day job!

The quality of the dress is lovely, as I mentioned above we have quite a collection of dress up costumes and this is much more comparable to the ones purchased from the Disney Store than the cheaper supermarket princess ones we have. (Although just for clarity I do want to mention that this dress is not Disney branded in any way, the label shows the brand of 'baby shop'.) 

The bodice is a velvet like material with a printed design in pink and green and has a gold fabric trim and a shaped gold plastic disc stuck on to the neckline. The sleeves are a vibrant jade green and puff out over the shoulders. The skirt has a straight underskirt and then a full sheer skirt in a pale green colour with printed pink gold and green pattern.

We ordered the age 4-5 and this is a good fit on my skinny almost 4 year old, it is a full length dress on her which reaches the ankles and I can see her having plenty of room to grow and play in this for a good time to come.

Overall I would say this is a great quality dress up costume that although not Disney branded is instantly recognisable as an Anna Coronation Dress from Frozen. At £18.99 it's a competitive for what is probably one of the most sought after fancy dress costumes for girls this year!

 My daughter loves it and has declared that she will be wearing it when we go to see Disney on Ice later this month...   I'd better get practicing my Anna hair styles!

The lovey folks at Otley Run Fancy Dress are offering you, my lovely readers the chance to win the other Frozen themed costume that they stock. This would make a wonderful gift for any little Frozen fan! 

Like this? Check out our other Frozen posts:

Singalong with Sing-a-long-a Frozen

Win a frozen Elsa Dress -
Please note: prize is dress only - no accessories included.

For your chance to win the beautiful icy blue Anna dress in your choice of size (subject to availability) simply follow the rafflecopter instructions below:

If you'd like to win an Anna Coronation Style dress like the one we reviewed pop over to the lovely Emmy's Mummy who has a giveaway coming up soon. - Competition closed.

Terms and conditions
One winner will receive a a frozen Elsa costume in the size of their choice subject to availability. The prize will be provided by Otley Run Fancy Dress. No cash alternative. Please allow up to 28 days for delivery of prize. 
Entrants must reside in the UK.
Winner will be chosen by blog owner using rafflecopter which uses after the closing date and will be emailed and announced on the widget.
Winner must supply a postal and email address which will be used only to send out the prize.
Multiple entries will be disqualified.
We're going on an adventure


  1. let it go .... my daughter takes it seriously lol x

  2. This dress looks lovely and very authentic

  3. Let it go is her favourite of course!

  4. Let it go - my daughter is frozen mad!! She loves the music!

  5. This is just what my granddaughter asked for.

  6. She likes Elsa best :)

  7. Moon Bunny Stacey HutchinsSunday, October 05, 2014

    My son loves olfa and elsa he fave songs are let it go and in summer my daughter fave is Anna and her fave song is let it go

  8. For the First Time in Forever - because I have learned all the words from my two girls, who constantly sing it in the bath while playing with their Frozen themed teaset!

  9. victoria leedhamSunday, October 05, 2014

    Do you want to build a snowman? My daughter sings it every day lol

  10. WifeMumStudentBumSunday, October 05, 2014

    My little ones sing Do You Wanna Build A Snowman. It's funny because Alice (3) sings all the words but just leaves a little gap so that Rosie (18 months) can sing the words she knows like "play" and "snowman" ha it's so cute, I keep trying to get it on video. Elizabeth looks gorgeous in the dress! x :)

  11. Let it go ..... shes (almost) 3 and very loud and dramatic.... so she loves belting out the high note at the end !!! x

  12. let it go ive heard it so many times i know it well

  13. Do you wanna build a snowman because my daughter loves the bit where Anna talks through the keyhole

  14. Ooo... One is let It go....The other loves do you wanna build a snowman. :-)

  15. Let it go because my daughter sings along and knows all the words and secretly i do to :)

  16. melanie stirlingSunday, October 05, 2014

    Let it go is Honey's favourite,she loves to sing and really joins in.

  17. My daughters favourite song is love is a open door, she sings it really loudly

  18. Let it go, it's the anthem of the house these days

  19. let it go she wont stop singing it! lol

  20. Let it go as her face brightens everytime she hears it

  21. allison sullivanSunday, October 05, 2014

    my daughter sings the full version without missing a word of let it go.she loves it and although 4 and a half she does a very good job of the damce moves too xx

  22. Do you wanna build a snowman? As it's "the most fun" according to my three year old :)

  23. Hannah Bee GriffinSunday, October 05, 2014

    Let it go. My four year old dances while singing it, she looks super cute

  24. My little Chloe loves Do you wanna build a snowman?

  25. Love is An Open Door - we all like the line about finishing each other's...sandwiches!

  26. Victoria_CosmeticCravingsSunday, October 05, 2014

    Let it go, my daughter twirls around when its on!

  27. My daughter LOVES Let It Go. She just loves that part of the film and throws her arms around as if she's in the film!

  28. My girl loves Let it Go....She loves copying the actions to it....I quite like it too.

  29. Dya wanna build a snowman! cause its fun!

  30. open door!! meg loves to scream it ten times a day haha xx

  31. Let it go is the best song and the kids love watching again and again as enchanting

  32. Love is a open door :) me and my daughters love this song and always sing it in the car :) x

  33. Both my daughters love Let It Go. We was signing along to it yesterday when we watched the film, again!

  34. For the first time in froeveeeeeeeeeeer! My daughters favourite is Anna

  35. Sunshine In The RainMonday, October 06, 2014

    Let It Go ...words from my 3 year old's actual mouth ..because that is when Elsa is happy ....she is quite aware elsa is not happy in Do you Wanna Build a snowman and following songs. Plus Let it Go is the one she always sings ....don't they all! xx

  36. We love INNNN SUUUUUUMMMMMMEEERRRR! By Olaf because he's our favourite character!

  37. Sunshine In The RainMonday, October 06, 2014

    That anna dress is beautiful. As is your little girl x

  38. let it go.
    i wish it would happen

  39. Let it go of course!!

  40. For The First Time In Forever is fun to sing along with!

  41. Lorraine TinsleyMonday, October 06, 2014

    Let It Go is my favourite song, but all of them are good. Do you want to build a snowman is another favourite

  42. let it go! fun to sing along to x

  43. Do you Want to Build a Snowman? my girls are always singing this

  44. Victoria MyLittleLBlogMonday, October 06, 2014

    let it go as Elsa is my niece's fav character

  45. Plastig FfantastigMonday, October 06, 2014

    Let It Go - probably because they hear it everywhere!

  46. Olafs song. My kids think its hilarious that a snowman wants it to be summer.

  47. Let it go is mine. kids love do you want to build a snow man!

  48. Let It Go seems to be the favourite, it's the one I hear them singing all the time anyway!

  49. Elizabeth (Liz) BriggsMonday, October 06, 2014

    Fixer Upper - It just makes me laugh everytime and is so true!

  50. let it go....because she loves how elsa's dress magically changes :)

  51. Do you want to build a snowman, its such a cute song x

  52. Fixer Upper as it's so funny

  53. Let t go, it's a classic! Sticks in your head :)

  54. Let it go! because my daughter knows all the lyrics in both the English and French versions!

  55. Let it go...let it goooooooooo.... is what hear at 5am practically everyday! Its so catchy and I must admit I find myself humming it whilst I'm washing up! ;)

  56. They both like "let it go", quite impressed at how much my 2 yr old boy who doesn't speak well can sing of it.

  57. Let it go - She sings it every time she is happy and thats nearly all day long!

  58. Let it Go and its the one she knows the best and can sing all the words x

  59. let it go they love it

  60. let it go,because its the only one she can remember the words to properly

  61. Let it go of course ;)

  62. Olaf's song as my daughter is learning it at her theatrecraft sessions

  63. Dont think my girls could choose, but probably Let it Go! xx

  64. Do you want to build a snowman as my youngest pretends she is anna singing it to her elder sister

  65. Both Let it Go and Do You Want to Build a Snowman, their both so catchy and my 3 year old granddaughter knows the words to them, she gets me singing along too x

  66. Do you want to build a snowman? As entertaining.

  67. Let it go, loves it x

  68. Both my little girls love let it go. My 2 year old can't even say her sister's name yet but she somehow manages to sing along to Let it Go whenever it's on :)

  69. Charlotte BernardMonday, October 06, 2014

    My little girl loves Olaf singing 'In Summer'! :-)

  70. Let it Go, my nieces littleones love this!

  71. LET IT GO - she is singing it now

  72. Do You Want to Build A Snowman … I love it so much, and I'm always singing it to my baby son! x

  73. Fixer Upper is a catchy tune but my daughter loves to sing along to all of them

  74. Let it go, my little one can even sing it in Spanish!

  75. Michelle DootsonMonday, October 06, 2014

    let it go.iv just bought my daughter the sound track cd,its the one i can hear the most coming from her bedroom.

  76. Let it go. And the snowman one. And the summer one. And that catchy fixer upper tune...

  77. Do You Want to Build A Snowman :) we know all the words xx

  78. mummyandthechunksMonday, October 06, 2014

    Gracie loves Let it Go and sings it like ALL the time!!

  79. I don't think my 6 year old could choose just one she loves them all!

  80. My favourite is the Olaf song - In summer and for Leah is had to be Do you want to build a snowman.

  81. Sarah BallantyneMonday, October 06, 2014

    My eldest loves Let it Go but my toddler loves 'Do You Want to Build a Snowman' purely for the bit with the clock. We all have to make the noise and move out eyes from side to side like Anna does in the film.

  82. let it go - great to sing along to

  83. I haven't watched it but my little sister just sings that snowman song xx

  84. Let It Go - my daughter loves it and even my 2 year old has now learnt the words to the chorus and they have great delight in singing it together at every possible opportunity! :)

  85. All I know is that my lillie pops loves it and my daughter knows all the words

  86. Gillian HutchisonTuesday, October 07, 2014

    Helen loves 'Let it go' she uses a pale blue sarong as her cape and dances and sings along to it.

  87. Do you want to build a snowman! probably because its the one I always sing :)

  88. It has to be Let it Go, even my husband starts joining in with singing it in the car!

  89. Helen Tobin-PerryTuesday, October 07, 2014

    Let it go is a big favourite in my house though my daughter gets annoyed when her dad and I pretend it's a song about passing wind ;)

  90. Do you want to build a snowman, my daughter wakes me up in the morning singing it :)

  91. Let it Go! She loves it! She's always singing this (this and bah bah black sheep!)

  92. Olaf's song - can't remember what it;s called but we all love Olaf!!

  93. Maria A. MalaveciTuesday, October 07, 2014

    Let it Go is her favorite, because she can be just like ELSA!

  94. Let it go - my daughter loves it!

  95. "In Summer" song its so funny :)

  96. has to be "Let It Go"

  97. Let it go - its a great song to sing along to

  98. Has to be 'Let it Go' because we all sing along together lol. Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  99. Let it go! Let it go!

  100. let it go as she love signing and dancing to it

  101. let it go , let it go xx

  102. Let it go, my daughter said she sings like an angel :D

  103. yep its got to be 'LET IT GO' we all sing at the top of our voices,and even daddy cant resist joining in at some point :)

  104. Let it go - my daughter loves singing it :)

  105. Both female role models :) girls rule

  106. Let it Go purely because its easy to remember

  107. Let it go, my 3 year old daughter has just suddenly become obsessed with Frozen and is constantly asking for this song, i play it on youtube and have it on my phone for when we are out

  108. It has to be "let it go"

  109. It has to be let it go, they sing it often enough even I am word perfect!!!!

  110. Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" honestly can't tell u how many times that's sung over and over lol.

  111. Do you want to build a snowman

  112. Harley RichardsonSunday, October 12, 2014

    Let it go, as she really does let it go to that one!

  113. Has to be Let it go!

  114. let it go!! i suppose its just a really catchy song

  115. Let it go for sure, she sings it all day long :)

  116. Amanda Doyle HartSunday, October 12, 2014

    OMG Let it go :)

  117. let it go, know all the words..

  118. my daughter's fave one is Let it Go, she sings it every day

  119. do u wanna build a snowman

  120. do you want to build a snowman,she loves snowmen! Olaf is her favorite,of course LOL :)

  121. do you want to build a snowman

  122. Let it go! She sings it all day every day lol :)

  123. Let it Go! My daughter sings this as soon as she wakes in the morning!

  124. Let it go is the fav in this house! Over & over & over

  125. Amber loves Do you want to build a snowman. She likes to wiggle her bum along.

  126. Mine is Let it Go because 7yo and I like to sing it at the top of our voices.

  127. Catherine McAlindenMonday, October 13, 2014

    Love Is An Open Door, I duet with my 5 year old!

  128. julie e hendersonMonday, October 13, 2014

    the most played let it go

  129. let it go is my daughters favourite song from frozen, she has learnt all the words and sings it with a terrible american accent

  130. Let it go as she can remember all the words

  131. Let it go, let it go...... but they are the only words I know!

  132. Think it has to be let it go

  133. Let it Go because she just loves singing it all the time.

  134. My little boy loves Do you want to build a snowman

  135. Let it go - Caitlin loves a ballad

  136. Charlotte ChapmanTuesday, October 14, 2014

    She loves Let It Go & Do You Want To Build A snowman. She also keeps making me duet Love Is An Open Door with her. :)

  137. Do you want to build a snowman? ... because they love the "Go away Anna" bit (pronounced Honour of course)!

  138. Let it go! I think because it's so dramatic, and there are actions! Felicity kelly

  139. Reindeers are better than people!! so funny, always have it stuck in my head and have it word perfect! :D

    Reindeers are better than people
    Sven, don't you think that's true?

    Yeah, people will beat you
    And curse you and cheat you
    Every one of them's bad except you

    Oh, thanks buddy
    But people smell better than reindeers
    Sven, don't you think that I'm right?

    That's once again true,
    For all except you

    You got me, let's call it a night

    Good night

    Don't let the frostbite bite

  140. Tiggerific Thomasine WalkeyWednesday, October 15, 2014

    Do you want to build a snowman. they cant wait for the snow so they can go outside build a snowman and sing at same time????

  141. Elsa is my granddaughters favourite

  142. Let it go, she loves it sooo much....i'm not even allowed to sing along....only her :)

  143. summer because olaf sings it!

  144. Let it Go - its her fave but she has to sing it alone (not allowed to join in) and she does all the actions too

  145. my grandson loves Let it go, but i can honestly say im not a great lover of the film (sorry)

  146. Let it go - catchy

  147. Wanna build a snowman, our kids were singing about blooming snowmen in ajuga thanks to the movie ;)

  148. Let it go..we all love it. x

  149. My daughters fave song is do you want to build a snowman ☺

  150. Love is an open door...great to dance to!

  151. Do you want to build a snowman. My daughter sang it while I was getting some pies out of the freezer the other evening, it made me smile as ive been putting off defrosting it for far too long!

  152. Summer because Olaf is so cute in that bit

  153. Let it go because it's a fun song & everyone can sing it together.

  154. Summer because Olaf sings it and because Mummy sings along :-)

  155. let it go because it's so catchy and we can all sing to it :)

  156. Linda F McGarrigleThursday, October 16, 2014

    Let it Go because she ropes her dad into singing it too despite the fact it annoys him ;)

  157. let it go, my daughter only knows the chorous and repeats and repeats and repeats lol

  158. Do you want to build a snowman as Emmy sings it through the wall to her brother

  159. My daughter's favourite song is do you want to build a snowman? She keeps asking when it is going to snow.

  160. we both love do you want to build a snowman and we break out into song at every opportunity.

  161. It has to be Let It Go, all of the children sing it at the tops of their voices!

  162. Laura Jayne BatesFriday, October 17, 2014

    let it go cos its fun

  163. my little one lives frozen and this is top of her wish list x
    she knows all the songs but let it go is her fav and needs the dress to complete her act

  164. let it go, we all sing it togerther and have fun!

  165. let it go - you just can't help but sing along!

  166. let it go because she knows the words. x

  167. ❤❤ Emma ❤❤Saturday, October 18, 2014

    Let it go! My girlies walk around singing it all day :) x

  168. My son who is 2 loves do you wanna build a snowman and knows all the words! My daughter loves Let it go!! xx

  169. Let it go as you have to sing along

  170. My daughter would so love this she has just about worn her Rapunzel costume out, and so desperately wants an Anna and Elsa costume.

  171. My son doesn't like the frozen songs but I know my little niece loves singing the build a snowman song!

  172. let it go!!

  173. Let it go she just loves it

  174. Let It Go - my daughter loves it and sings it at the top of her voice. It's a really lovely part of the film as well, with Elsa finally letting go and showing what she can do.

  175. Has to be let it go

  176. We like Do you wanna build a snowman, it;s catchy and poignant.

  177. It changes daily, today I think it's 'Let it go' She's always singing the Frozen songs!

  178. Let it go. She loves copying all of Elsa's actions, even running on the spot as Elsa runs up the stairs and pulling at her hair when Elsa releases her plait. Very funny!

  179. let it go, they know all the words to it!

  180. Their favourite songs are both "Let it go" and "Do you wanna build a snowman". :D
    I'm not sure why they like those particular ones though. hehe

  181. Let it go, they are always singing it unsure why.

  182. do you wanna build a snowman/let it go

  183. It would have to be Let it Go, it is just one of those memorable songs that you can't let go

  184. Mine sing Let it go at Nursery, so we often get little renditions of it during the day, but I love do you want to build a snowman. Classic Disney :)

  185. Can't get Let It Go out of my head!

  186. My grand daughter knows the words to all of the songs

  187. My daughter loves First Time in Forever.. Because she gets to see Rapunzel in frozen lol x

  188. It has to be Let It Go


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