Sunday 12 October 2014

A Week of Morning Wins... #thatsgoodinnit

My husband listens to our local Indie radio station, XFM during his commute and has recently started telling me about the #thatsgoodinnit segment on Clint Boon's Drive Time. (Yes Clint Boon formally of the Inspiral Carpets and now a Radio DJ or as many Mums will know him, the voice of Engie Benjy!)

If like me you hadn't had the pleasure of listening to this simple but popular feature, here's how my other half described it to me...

"Mancunians tweet or text in the small triumphs of their day, not the big things like a Lotto win, but small pleasures such as an extra chocolate bar falling out of the vending machine or finding a fiver in a the pocket of a coat you've not worn for six months.'

 It made me think a lot more about the small things that make me smile, the things that can take a bad day and turn it into an OK one, the things that you won't even recall after a few days but at that moment in time they really lift your spirits...

Like today when I opened a pack of 12 Yorkshire Puddings and found 13 (I got the extra one of course!)

So when Belvita and Britmums challenged me to share my #Morningwin's I thought I'd share five moments this week that made me go; 'That's good, Innit?' all during the mad morning rush of course...

1 On Monday my three year old put her vest on UNDER her dress! #thatsgoodinnit?!

This may seem straight forward to many but after nearly six months of dressing herself this was a light bulb moment for her!

2 On Tuesday I got to the bus stop just as the bus drove off, only to see another one come round the corner! #thatsgoodinnit?!

That dreaded feeling of waiting in the rain for ten minutes was replaced with the relief of sitting on a warm, dry bus with my book...

3 On Wednesday I went to the fridge to pack up my lunch and realised I had a tub of last night's left overs all ready to take in to work! #thatsgoodinnit?!

And delicious it was too! Warmed up risotto beats cold cheese butties any day!

4 On Thursday I opened the shoe cupboard to find my favourite Joules wellies that i'd been searching for! #thatsgoodinnit?!

They kept my feet snuggly and dry all the way to work and even matched my dress!

5 On Friday the alarm went off and I crawled out of bed to realise I no longer work Fridays! #thatsgoodinnit?!

A pleasant walk to school with my eldest was followed by a day of crafts and baking with my youngest.

So that was my week of #Morningwin's, nothing hugely memorable but things that made my life that little bit easier each day.

As part of the challenge we were sent a selection of the new BelVita Breakfast Crunchy Biscuits, they come in three new flavours; Choc Chip, Apricot and Hazelnut. They are all a tasty treat but I do favour the hazelnut. These are ideal for busy mums like myself that have so many other people to look after and get sorted in the morning they often don't have time to sit eat breakfast themselves! It's so easy to grab a piece of fruit, a drink and a packet of these to enjoy on my commute and I've noticed I feel a lot less snacky during the day than the days where I end up skipping breakfast all together! That must be the slow release of carbohydrates... apparently!

Have you had any #MorningWin's or #Thatsgoodinnit moments recently? I'd love to hear about them in the comments.

This post is an entry for #MorningWin Linky Challenge sponsored by belVita Breakfast. Learn more at”   

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading about those little and bigger things that make your week better. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part


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