Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Some #littleadventures in the garden...

We love going on adventures, sometimes we get the opportunity to experience big adventures such as trips to London, visits to the zoo a festival but often some of the best adventures are the little ones, the ones that we make ourselves and don't cost a penny...

My children's grandparents are on holiday at the moment and as they live just round the corner we were asked to  'house sit' for them, which essential means popping round to feed the fish and water the plants, however the added benefit to us is we get to make use of their lovely big garden, which has been lovely in the sunny weather we've been having recently!

As we don't have a garden as such at home, just being able to run about and play on the grass is an adventure for my children but I decided to go that little bit further and we went on a nature hunt around the garden to see what we could find...

We spotted someone hiding in the... 




and Tomatoes...

I wonder who it was?!

Barny Bear of course!

The children were able to identfy most of the plants we found and were very excited to find that everywhere we were looking we also spotted Barny Bear; one of their favourite sweet treats!

They decided that Barny should join in with hunt, so we gave him his own little magnifying glass and set off to see what we could find together.

After we were all hunted out we sat down to enjoy  lovely picnic tea al fresco which delighted the children, especially as they got to enjoy Barney Bears for dessert!

Our nature hunt in the garden was simple but it provided great entertainment for both my 3 and 6 year old and inspired their natural curiosity. While they we're running around in the sunshine they we're learning about the world around them and where the food that ends up on their plate actually comes from.

This activity could be developed further by printing out some pictures of the different plants for them to find.

We also made up some fun pictures of Barny Bear playing tennis, flying a glider plane and holding balloons!

We loved our #littleadventures with Barney Bear and the children can't wait for his next visit!

Why not check out other #littleadventures from other mumsnet bloggers here... 

Of course this isn't the first time we've been on adventures with Barny Bear, check out our Autumn and Winter adventures too!

We were sent two packs of Barny Bears,  the individually wrapped bear-shaped sponges with a hidden filling by Mumsnet to take part in the challenge.  Find out more about Barny here www.barnyworld.co.uk 


  1. Sounds like a great adventure! Loving the photos of Barny - very creative!

  2. The pictures are great, very well done - and topical :D


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