Saturday, 22 March 2014

#Project365 Week Twelve

I'm not really in a place to talk about this week at the moment I have still taken my pictures each day though so wanted to share them here....

I'm adding this post to The Boy and Me's 365 linky, why not click on the badge and check out some of the other great contributions? 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I love to read your comments, so please do share your thoughts!


  1. chantelle hazeldenSaturday, March 22, 2014

    Lovely round up hun, such gorgeous children, loving the odd socks x

  2. Gorgeous photos, loving the socks for World Down Syndrome Day

  3. I spy a haha bead bowl in the was it? I keep meaning to do this with Emmy.
    Loving the odd socks.

  4. I am loving the biscuit!! it looks like all the best things on there! I love the gappy grin too .. you cant beat it x

  5. Lovely photos, especially the gappy grin! Hope the tooth fairy visits!

  6. disqus_dIRjNoslspSaturday, March 22, 2014

    Great cosy socks for World Down Syndrome Day! He looks so happy with his gappy grin. I hope the tooth fairy is visiting! :) Don't be too hard on yourself Hun x

  7. I assume it wasn't a great week but your kids still look smiley, so that's good. Wishing you a great week ahead. mich x

  8. Hope your ok, you've took some great photos x

  9. Some lovely photos, I hope you have a better week this week x

  10. I love the beads and the biscuit - that looks really good #365

  11. brinabird and sonThursday, March 27, 2014

    Glad you are now able to look for support and I hope you find yourself in a better place soon. Lovely photos must say I really like the socks one!

  12. Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


I love to read your comments, thank you for sharing your thoughts.