Saturday, 15 March 2014

#Project365 Week Eleven

Day 69

Today was an EPIC day!! It was our leg of the #Teamhonkrelay! We started early, collecting the baton at St Mary's Church from the very lovely Grumpyishmum who had taken it out on the town the previous night. Dressed as characters from our favourite Julia Donaldson Story, Room on the Broom, equipped with Broom, wand, hat and bow we flew over 4 miles (well walked...) through Prestwich Clough, Red Rose Forest and Giant Seat Wood to meet Euan from TheBrickCastle who then cycled over 8 miles to pass the baton on to fab bloggers Sim and Pippa!
After nipping home to change we had a taste for fresh air and decided to spend the afternoon enjoying the lovely weather at nearby Heaton Park. This is Elizabeth dressed as Frog holding the witch's wand and wearing hear Sport Relief sweatband! See a photo of us all dressed up here. You can still sponsor us over on the #Teamhonk Manchester page

Day 70

I had a day off today to catch up on some errands and enjoyed a leisurely walk in the sunshine to pick up the children.

Day 71

Another sunny day! This is Elizabeth on the way home from nursery after a day of playing outside!

Day 72

Easter eggs on the shelves!

Day 73

Today mainly involved me getting ready for my interview tomorrow, I rushed to the chemist just before it closed to grab some Bach Rescue Remedy for my nerves...

Day 74

Today was the day of my interview, I can't remember much else to be honest as it was a bit of a whirl, I don't really know how it went but will find out next week. The bedtime story of choice tonight was Dinosaurs love Underpants... A new favourite in our house I think!

Day 75

It's been quite an exhausting week so after Baby Ballet class this morning we decided to have a chilled out day with some arts and crafts then some baking. These are the vanilla cupcakes the children and I made, they were delicious!

I'm adding this post to The Boy and Me's 365 linky, why not click on the badge and check out some of the other great contributions? 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

I love to read your comments, so please do share your thoughts!


  1. Blimey. Chilled to me is watching tv or having a nap. Arts and crafts and baking is full on childcare! Good luck with job. What's it for?

  2. Hooray for the Team Honk relay - you rock! Loving seeing the easter eggs on the shelves now :-) #project365

  3. Excellent work Team Honk :) Crossing everything for you for next week. Hoping you get the job

  4. yay to your leg of the #teamhonkrelay, however feeling s tiny bit jealous at the mini eggs!! xx

  5. disqus_dIRjNoslspSaturday, March 15, 2014

    Well done on your leg of the #TeamHonkRelay! Great work! We've got our Easter Eggs hidden away already. Hope you get good news about the job interview this coming week! #Project365

  6. Lovely week. Fingers crossed for the interview results. The sun was so lovely last week, wasn't it?

  7. Those cakes look amazing and delicious too. Well done on Team Honk efforts and I love the dress up costume

  8. Monkeyfooted mummySaturday, March 15, 2014

    Great pics this week the sun looks just lovely, I hope the interviewers realise what a star you are x

  9. chantelle hazeldenSunday, March 16, 2014

    such gorgeous photos although cake could well be my fav :-) x

  10. my buggy junctionSunday, March 16, 2014

    gosh your kids certainly know how to bake!! lovely pictures

  11. Lovely photo's from the week, I hope your interview went well and also you enjoyed your cakes x

  12. Great photos and huge well done on Team Honk x #365

  13. Elaine LivingstoneSunday, March 16, 2014

    Thats one cute frog, and I like your cakes, vey pretty. Well done on Team Honk, its not coming near enough me to make it viable. Hope you gets some good news on your job interview.

  14. Well done on your Team Honk achievements #365

  15. sabrina montagnoliTuesday, March 18, 2014

    Really lovely photos. Well done on team honk she looks ever so cute as the frog.

  16. Best of luck with the results hon, fingers very much crossed you get the job xx


I love to read your comments, thank you for sharing your thoughts.