Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Sainsbury's launch Bambino Mio Cloth Nappies with 20% off!

20% off bambino mio cloth nappies at sainsburys

 Bambino Mio have got some great news to kick start 2014 – their products are now available to buy from Sainsbury’s in-store and online! The popular reusable nappy brand has been working really hard to make cloth nappies commercially acceptable and are getting there one step at a time...

From today you will be able to find them in 213 Sainsbury’s stores across the country with their multi award-winning miosolo all-in-one nappy, nappy liners, nappy cleanser, reusable swim nappies and potty training pants. They will have an even larger selection of products available at Sainsbury’s online too!

bunting and bambino mio cloth nappies

To celebrate the occasion Sainsbury’s are kindly offering their customers a fabulous 20% off Bambino Mio products in store!

Find out if Bambino Mio are in a Sainsbury's near you with their Store Finder...

I for one am really pleased to see a large mainstream retailer such as Sainsbury's take this step, I have been using Bambino Mio products for many years and have seen the range grow and develop  from the 'pre-fold' system that was the first nappy my daughter ever wore to the reliable 'childcare friendly' MioSolo's that were loved by my daughter's nursery. I really hope that this will help to introduce the idea of cloth nappies to even more families and make it easier for them to get hold of accessories such as liners and nappy cleanser, asI always resented having to order online and pay delivery charges for small items.

Elizabeth in one of her first Cloth Nappies

If you want to find out more about MioSolo Nappies why not have a look at these posts....

Bambino mio miosolo cloth nappies

Happy Fluffy Shopping...

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