Thursday, 30 January 2014

Letts Monster Practice Review

My eldest Ben is 6, he's in Year Two at primary school, the youngest in his year. As well as the common issues that August born children often have keeping up with their classmates. It is becoming obvious that there are other concerns with his academic progress. He has hyper-mobility which has affects his fine motor skills and has difficultly concentrating. he is currently under assessment for Dyspraxia.

Ben is a bright little boy who has a great analytic mind and genuinely loves learning. He just needs that bit of extra attention and practice to get there.

letts monster practice workbooks review

We were sent a selection of Monster Skills Practice workbooks from Letts for Ben to review. These included:

·         Handwriting 5-6
·         Spelling and Phonics 5-6
·         Addition and Subtraction 5-6
·         Multiplication and Division 5-6

You can see more about what we both thought in the video below but I thought I'd give a quick written summary here too. Ben absolutely loved the fun monster characters in the Monster Practice books  The colourful creatures really helped to keep his attention and helped him to see these work books as fun and something to look forward to doing rather that 'homework' that he often puts off. These books make learning not only fun but a lot more interesting to him while helping him practice the same skills he is learning in school.

At an RRP of just £3.99 each I would thoroughly recommend the Letts Monster Practice books for any parent as a way of bringing learning home and making it an enjoyable experience. 

As well as a vast range of published works to help your child at any stage of their education Letts and Collins have online communities on twitter and facebook to help you support your child and has useful summaries of of the different stages of your child's education as well as free downloadables and student study advice.

You can buy all of the books mentioned and more online at and fr the next couple of days only you can get an exclusive  30% discount on Collins Dictionaries, Reference Books, Atlases and Learning Books when you use  promo code BOOKS30 at checkout. This offer is available until 31 January 2014 so be quick!

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