Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Visit Santa in the Snow at Chill Factore

What's Christmas without a visit to Santa's Grotto? Last week we took a trip to Chill Factore in Manchester to visit a very special Grotto hidden away in the snow!

If you like your family fun to be full of excitement, nothing beats the magic of Santa’s Snow Grotto on REAL snow this Christmas, It's just like visiting the North Pole!

snow play and santa's grotto at Chill Factore

Santa at Chill Factore is a unique experience that will give the whole family memories to treasure. 

Visits to Santa are combined with a snow activity of your choice including:

Snowplay & Santa (Aged 2+) Family of 2 £17
Sledging & Santa (Aged 4+) Family of 2 £38
Tubing & Santa (Aged 4+) 
Family of 2 £38
Luge Ice Slide & Santa (Aged 6+) Family of 2 £38

We've been to Chill Factore a few times now and the children (and Daddy) love it! Ben and Daddy have enjoyed Tubing and Sledging  but Elizabeth and I usually leave the adrenaline rush to them and stick to the wintry fun of the snowplay! This time Ben had different ideas and decided I was going sledging with him while Daddy explored the snowplay with Elizabeth. I was left no choice I was going sledging....

sledging and santa's grotto at Chill Factore

We changed into our padded jackets and trousers and were escorted out on to the Snow where we picked up a sledge each and off we went. This was Ben's third time sledging and I couldn't get over how confidant he was with it all! My six year old was teaching me what to do! The session lasted up to 45 minutes but we decided to have a rest and warm up after around 30 which was plenty for us, especially on a weekday evening when it was quite quiet.

We met up with Daddy and Elizabeth who'd been having a lovely time riding on Penguins and exploring the world of snow play just outside of Santa's Grotto....

After taking off our helmets we went in search of the Elves and the queue for the Grotto which was just by the climbing wall, we were lucky as there was only one family in front of us but if you did visit at a busier time there was plenty of activities to eep the little ones entertained, tables were set out with toys, books and coloring fun perfect for keeping the boredom of waiting away!

When it was our turn we were led by a friendly elf into the snow and down a winding path past the snow play to a colourful Grotto out on the snow....

We stepped trough a colourful door and who did we find?

Farther Christmas of course!!

Although Elizabeth immediately became shy and clung onto Daddy, Ben was very excited and had a lovely chat to Santa about Lego and Castles. Father Christmas listened to him intently, asked him questions and had an impressive knowledge of LEGO too!

Each child was presented with a small wrapped gift (Ben was given a Yoyo and Elizabeth a counting games) and there was the opportunity to have a photograph taken too which were available to purchase in a number of formats for between £10 and £15.

I had two very happy but tired children afterwards who really enjoyed visiting Santa in the snow...

Santa will be at his Snow Grotto until Christmas Eve when he'll be rather busy!!

If you visit before Friday 20th December you can take advantage of one of these two great offers:

50% Off Midweek Visits - Valid on midweek visits to Santa with Tubing / Sledging / Luge slide when booked and taken before 20th December 2013. use code: 

£10 Santa & Snowplay Family of 2 - Valid on midweek visits to Santa with Snowplay Family of 2 ticket £10 when booked and taken before 20th December.


 Have you visited a Grotto this year, what did your children think?

Disclaimer: We were invited to visit Santa at Chill Factore and enjoy sledging and snow play free of charge in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.


  1. Sounds like you all had a ball and that's when you know it's properly christmas when you visit santa xx

  2. Wasn't it just gorgeous :)

  3. That looks really fun, and really reasonable. Mine are a bit too young but I would really like to do this next year. I'm from a place with lots of winter snow so I would like my kiddos to be able to sled (sledge) in the winter - even if it is indoors!

  4. WifeMumStudentBumSunday, December 22, 2013

    Cool! Prices look great as well, great idea for a place to take the kids x

  5. Sounds like a lovely way to see Santa! x

  6. Loving your pictures, sounds like you have a fantastic time.


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