Wednesday 7 August 2013

Sibling love...

sibling love holding hands

I'm a busy mum, always rushing about with somewhere to be.

Sometimes it's easy to overlook things while dashing from place to place, always another errand to run, something else to cross off the to-do list. I talk to my children, I play with them, we confide in each other and we have lots of fun together. However sometimes it can feel a little prescribed. It's like I have certain time-slots for my family and I am squeezing everything possible into those, especially at the moment, during the school holidays, I'm still working full time but I have to  fit so much more in, days out together, keeping up with reading and school work for Ben, potty training with Elizabeth... 

I don't feel that I observe them enough, I don't just sit back and watch them together.

Until yesterday.

At the weekend I broke my toe ( just a little one, but it's blooming painful!) and it slowed me down, it made me become aware of my surroundings as I hobbled slowly along.

Last night I was walking home with my children and instead of rushing them along, nagging them to 'get a move on or there'd be no time to play before bed', I let them lead while I followed, and I watched them together. Truly watched them, watched how kind and caring they were, how lovingly they looked at each other, How protective Ben was towards his little sister, teaching her how to 'Stop, look and listen' before crossing a road, (or a driveway!) and how much she looked up to him her big brave brother copying the way he walked and talked.

I watched them as they walked along, holding hands for the half an hour walk that we usually did in fifteen minutes and I was glad that I had hurt my toe, that I had been forced to slow down and experience this.

 I was so glad that they had each other and a little bit sad that I was an only child and would never know this incredible bond.


  1. I absolutely adore watching my two play together or walk to school holding hands. They really do adore each other. Its so precious.

  2. That's lovely - sometimes its so easy to forget when they are bickering (as mine do), that they really do love each other - it really does pay to take a step back sometimes doesn't it...even if the toe hurts while your stepping! ;-)

  3. Oh how sweet! Sorry about your toe break, but it seems to have come at a good time, giving you time to pause and appreciate what you have.

  4. Jennifer! That is so adorable it actually made me go a bit misty eyed!!!! Melts my heart when my two do the same. xx

  5. This is lovely Jen. I love watching mine together (when he's not sitting in her head, or telling her off) They do adore each other though and I hope that never changes.

  6. That's a great photo, incredibly cute... :)

    hope your toe heals quickly hon x

  7. This is such an adorable photo, really well captured :)

  8. Such a lovely shot and lovely sentiments, I have been watching Kitty and Ozzy together and I actually find it totally overwhelming in a good-kind-of-way.

  9. oh this is lovely. How true it is that we miss so much by rushing and gurrying every where. Hope your poor toe gets better soon x

  10. My youngest has JUST started really enjoying her sister and I can't wait til they're a little older. I'm hoping they have a close relationship as there's less than two years between them. Me and my brother are quite close but I hope my girls will be closer.

  11. Aww how sweet. I hope mine gets to be a big sister one day :)

  12. Aaawww, I felt emotional reading this. Such a lovely photo and the best thing about my boys being close in age is the way they interact (apart from the constant wrestling). We too seem to rush about and I end up sticking Pooh Bear in the sling to save time as he will walk in every direction except the one you need to be travelling in. I will try and make time to just walk at their pace with less haste in future x

  13. What a lovely post and photo... I feel the same watching my boys together. Baby A is just beginning to walk so I think the fun is just beginning. Sorry about your toe, hope it heals quickly for you


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