Thursday, 22 August 2013

Plan Toys Wooden Fun Sorter Review

We love Plan toys so were delighted to be offered the opportunity to review the wooden fun sorter. I have to admit that when it arrived I was quite surprised and thought it looked like a toy aimed at a lot younger children than mine, however on closer inspection there is much more to it!

The toy itself consists of 4 different sized coloured wooden rings and  a base unit that has 4 coloured balls attached and a secret feature! The idea is to navigate the rings around the balls to fit them in to place. The rings all have a key so they can navigate the wooden balls. It requires and encourages concentration, planning, co-ordination and problem solving skills. To crank it up a level the 'secret feature' means that the central post actually twists to create a bend, adding an extra obstacle to overcome.

The fun sorter is aimed at ages 3+ and both my 2 and 5 year old were able to get enjoyment out of it. For my two year old Elizabeth there wee extra elements such as identifying colours and counting the rings and balls. She needed just a little guidance from her older brother as to which ring to use in what order but she was able to easily twist them into the right position and was very pleased with herself when she completed the puzzle!

I had thought this would be a bit young for Ben to play with on his own but he really enjoyed the more 'difficult level' and although he was able to complete it fairly quickly, he had a real sense of achievement for doing so.

This is a really well made wooden toy hat I can see being used again and again, it is great fior encouraging little ones to think for themselves and develop analytical skills. Age wise I would say that a two year old would get as much out of it as a three year old, so I wouldn't take too much heed of the 3+ label.

The Plan Toys Fun Sorter can be purchased on amazon for £13.99. I would say this would make a great gift for a pre school aged child.

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