Friday, 19 July 2013

I've just Downloaded the new Free Savoo Iphone App!

As you know I love to save money and find a great offer or bargain! However being a busy working mum it can be difficult to keep up with the latest vouchers and discounts. In the past I would fully prepare myself before going out shopping, checking out all the online discounts and printing out handfuls of vouchers to take with me, but these days I just don't have the time! Who does?  I hate to think that I am missing out on a really good deal so I was delighted to hear that Savoo, the money saving site that asks you; 'Why pay full price?' has brought out a new Free Iphone app that allows you to save while on the go!

Too many Apps...

I have to admit that I can be a bit skeptical about some of the apps that are out there I seem to have so many on my phone and many of they never get used as they are either to complicated or just pointless! I have to admit that of the ones I do have, Angry Birds probably gets used the most (by my son!) followed closely by the fabulous Zulily App that I check on my daily commute to work.

I needn't have worried though as the new Savoo app is both simple to use and really handy to have!

Real Savings...

A few days ago I was walking past my local Gap store on the way home from work and saw they had a sale on, I thought i'd pop in and take a look, maybe find some bargain summer clothes for my children. I had a quick look on the app and in seconds had a list of different offers and codes that I could get online! With a click of a button I could email them to myself and save even more money when I got home!

Your chance to Win...

So what do you think? Will you download the app? It's completely free so what's stopping you? If you need another incentive every 500th person to download it will bag themselves a fabulous £25 Amazon voucher!

Just click here to download.

Happy Saving!

1 comment:

  1. First off you would need to learn objective c, which is not too hard to learn if you know other programming languages.


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