Saturday, 29 June 2013

Are you a #Pramoholic?

When I first started making friends online I got to know some lovely Mummies through the website Pushchair Trader and over the last few years we have become really good friends, although it's only recently that I have met any of them in real life!

These ladies are from all over the UK and we all do very different things with our lives. In the real world our paths may never have crossed but in cyberspace they did for two reasons...

We are mums and we are Pramaholics!

Oh gosh that sounded like the start of the 12 steps!

I'd like to think it's quite a healthy addiction, although it can be costly!

So how do you become a Pramaholic? 

Well it just kind of sneaks up on you. While pregnant for the first time you research prams, looking for the 'perfect pushchair' that meets all of your requirements, will last from birth until walking AND is within your budget. After what seems like months of looking you come across it, the ideal pushchair for you and your baby. I believe it can be like love at first sight as soon as you see it, you know, this is the one for you! 

Usually for the first few months, or the 'honeymoon period' all is well and it meets your every need, but its not long before the cracks start to show, it doesn't perform the way you want it to, so you consider infidelity...

You find yourself browsing mothercares's website or checking out the 'for sale' ad's on Facebook groups until one day you make that decision...

               To buy another pushchair.

...and then it begins, you realise that the search for the perfect pushchair can never end, as you and your child's needs are constantly changing and there will always be a newer, younger model, offering you something extra and you just can't resist temptation!

Personally I have only had 9 pushchairs across two children, which is quite tame compared to some who have had upwards of 50!

Currently I am in a fairly committed relationship with my  B-Smart from Britax UK although I do have the occasional 'bit on the side' with the more svelte and lightwieght Maxi Cosi Noa...

If / when (hopefully when!)  we do have another baby I *think* I will be sticking to my B-Smart as I love it and it's still in great condition. Although I did get to have a little play with the lovely Purple Britax Affinity at BritmumsLive last weekend and loved it so you never know, I could be swayed...

So are you a Pramaholic? How many 'pushchair notches' do you have?

This is a sponsored post.


  1. I currently have 5, I am selling 2 to make room for a few more. I'm yet to find the perfect one!

    I'm glad to have met you in that FB group and recently in RL.

  2. I think i had 3. Always wanted a silver cross and a buggaboo but sadly it was not to be.

  3. I'm on pram number 5, I only have two at the moment though. Constantly on the look out for the next one though!

  4. I only ever had three with the two boys!

  5. Currently have 5 and always seem to have 5 at anyone time but I'm happy at the moment but would say have had around 30 prams over 5 years much to my husband dismay!

  6. I've had loads - but then I used to be a childminder as well as my own 5! My all-time favourite is definitely the Nipper 360 Out N About double though - I miss it still :D


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