Sunday, 10 March 2013

The perfect breakfast...

Today is Mother's Day and like many other Mummies I was treated to breakfast in bed! My lovely husband and children sneaked off to our local deli at 9am this morning leaving me in bed free to roll over and go back to sleep and when they returned they had bags filled with goodies...

My bargain hunting ways must be rubbing off on the rest of my family as they had taken advantage of a Sunday morning breakfast offer and had managed to get half a dozen freshly baked bagels, tubs of cream cheese, chopped herring and egg mayo and a pack of smoked salmon all for £5! They also had a large melon and a carton of fresh orange juice to accompany it. Despite trying to get up and get dressed I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to stay in bed and wait for it to be brought to me (by my 5 year old!)

A few minutes later he and his two year old sister walked in very carefully carrying an overflowing tray filled with food, drink, homemade cards and a lovely CD.

Daddy put the Disney love songs CD on and we all sat in bed and tucked in to our yummy breakfast which was indeed a treat! I wish it could be a regular thing...

I know I can't expect breakfast in bed everyday (although it would be nice!) but it got me thinking about the perfect breakfast, I have to admit that most weekdays I make do with a piece of fruit or a granola bar at the bus stop as I have to leave the house by 6.30 and just don't have time to sit down.

At the weekends the children have cereal and fruit and I often treat hubby to a bacon butty while I usually have a bowl of porridge, but as we move into Spring, porridge just doesn't seem right any more, so what to have? Fruit is always refreshing in the morning but when I want something more substantial I find that my toaster makes the difference when it comes to a quick and easy weekend breakfast, whether it be a poached egg on a piece of thick doorstop wholemeal toast, a buttered crumpet or even cream cheese spread on to a freshly toasted bagel like today! And it has to be accompanied by a large glass of fresh fruit juice of course! What is your ideal breakfast?

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