Saturday 23 March 2013

Easter Crafts bargain of the week...

I'm always finding good deals in my local Quality Save (Home Bargains) store, but I was so impressed with this one that I thought i'd share it...

This lovely 'My Easter Make-and-Do Book' from igloo books has a RRP of £4.99 but was just 69p!

It is filled with great quality stickers, press outs, Easter activities and craft ideas including Pom Pom Chicks, Pine Cone bunnies,  paper daffodils, Easter cards, make your own Easter basket and lots more!

This bargain buy will provide us with lots of entertainment of the school holidays so be sure to look out on Instagram and Pinterest for our crafty creations...

I purchased this product with my own money and have not been asked to write about it.

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