Monday, 19 November 2012

Saving on the Christmas shopping with Savoo... and win £500 too!

Yes there it is the 'C' word again! I'm really sorry to those of you who choose to ignore it until December, but it is going to be appearing on My Mummy's Pennies quite a lot over the next few weeks. Why? Because I love a bargain and I love to share a good bargain and there are so many fabulous deals out there at the moment, i can't keep them all to myself! There's just no better time to do your Christmas (there it is again!) Shopping...

As you may know I am a Savoo Dealpro and love to share their fabulous codes and offers with you on facebook and twitter. This week they have so many great 'Exclusive' Deals I thought i'd post on here as well so you don't miss them!

Below are some of my favourites this week , most of them starting today and running until nest Sunday...

Save £10 on any order over £20 at The Body Shop with code SAVOO2040

Valid until 26th November

Save 10% off all orders and get Free Delivery at I Want One Of Those with code SAVOOIW10

Valid Until 25th November 

Valid until 25th November

Valid until 25th November

Valid until 25th November

Valid until 25th November

Valid until 22nd November

Valid until 22nd November

Valid until 24th November

Valid until 25th November 

And possibly my favourite deal this week, perfect if you're looking for a Christmas party Dress...

Now Savoo are so generous that not only are they bringing you all these fantastic codes to save you money on your shopping, they are also giving you the chance to WIN £500!

All you need to do is Share your favourite deals from the exclusives tab at either on twitter with the hashtag #savooxmas or in the Savoo community on this link.

Good Luck!

 I just had to update this to let you lovelies know I won week one!! Woohoo! So why not try your luck over the next 5 weeks and you could be a winner too! Just click on the 'exclusives' tab pick your favourite deal, click on 'tweet' and add the hashtag #savooxmas! Good luck!

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