Sunday, 25 November 2012

A letter from Father Christmas...

example letter

Christmas is a magical time and we like to keep the magic alive in our house. Every year Ben writes a letter to Father Christmas with his 'wish list' and each year we make sure he gets a reply. This year I was given the opportunity to review a letter from 

The process to create the letter was simple and quite fun! You get to choose from different templates and then answer some basic questions such as your child's name, their date of birth, best friend (I decided to use his sisters name for this) and the very important question of whether or not you have a chimney! You can't have Father Christmas getting lost now can you?

One thing I particularly liked about the personalisation process was that you had the choice for it to be signed by Santa or Father Christmas! Although in our house we use these two interchangeably I know that some families are quite attached to one or the other.

I really enjoyed creating Ben's letter and I can't wait to see his face when it arrives....

As an extra teat all buyers will get a “2 for 1 Voucher for SeaLife” and be entered into a prize draw for a free Annual SeaLife pass.

You can save £1 off the usual price of £5.99 when you click  here. To make sure your child gets their letter in time for Christmas check out these order dates... 

Order Placed byDispatch Date
1st December 20124th December 2012
8th December 201211th December 2012
15th December 201218th December 2012

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