Thursday 22 November 2012

12 Days of Christmas Toys - On the fifth day of Christmas...

So it's getting to the point where you can't really deny it any more, Christmas is well and truly on it's way, before you know it, the presents will be unwrapped, the dinner eaten and the living room scattered with toys. So for those of you who are still looking for the perfect toys for your family, that hopefully won't be discarded in favour of the wrapping paper, over the next 12 days I am going to be featuring  a variety of toys aimed at a range of ages from toddler to teen.

We will also have some giveaways to help you get an extra present under the tree!

On the fifth  day of Christmas my true love  Santa gave to me...

five gold rings

Deluxe Charm Bracelets from Interplay

With my children being younger I find it difficult to choose presents for my niece who is fits into the 'tween'  age group. But the new myStyle craft kits from Interplay seem perfect! As well as appealing to the mini fashionista in her they also encourage crafts and creativity!

The myStyle collection is a must-have amongst girls looking to design and create professional quality accessories whilst keeping true to their own individual style. The Mystyle DeLuxe Charm Bracelets  do just that, allowing girls to design and make beautiful silver charm bracelets, almost identical to leading designer brands, but at a fraction of the price! The kit has an RRP of £19.99 and with enough contents to   make 40 pretty colourful beads I think this is great value.

MyStyle is all about encouraging girls to express their own individual style whilst ensuring they have the perfect piece of jewellery or special gift for every occasion! These kits make the perfect christmas  present for any style-conscious tween who wants to ensure she is glamourized with fine creations in time for New Year’s Eve...

1 comment:

  1. My 10 year old got this earlier in the year for her birthday and she loved it....Kept her busy for ages and she loves it....Like you say it's a fab gift for a 'tween'


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