Saturday, 20 August 2011

What I dream of owning the most...

I have been tagged by the lovely mummy vs work to share what I dream of owning the most and here it is...
Not just one brick!

But our own own bricks and mortar, a house that we can decorate how we want, and know it is our own.

I have lived in rented properties since I moved out of my mum's house eleven years ago and for the past 5 years myself and hubby have been trying to buy a place of our own but for various reasons it's just not yet been possible. If we wanted to buy an apartment in the city centre we could have but to live in a family home in the suburbs our only option is to rent at the moment. The house we live in is home but even though we've been here for nearly 3 years, as it's rented it doesn't feel like a proper home to me. We'll keep saving and one day (hopefully soon) this dream will be attainable...

I'm tagging Hex Mum, Mummy Wants and Loved by Lexi to share what they dream of owning the most and link back to The Wonderful Adventures of Spud & Spike!

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