Friday, 29 July 2011

10 Things you didn't know about me...

So I was tagged along with Hex Mum and Modern Mummy by the lovely Mummy V'S Work to reveal 10 things you didn't know about me before this post, so here goes...

1. I am originally a Scouser, but defected to Manchester when I was 20!

2. I am a vegetarian.

3. I've have never learned to ride a bike.

4. I met my Gorgeous Husband James in a nightclub while we were both at University.

5. I have a stage 1 qualification in BSL (British Sign Language) and as a teenager I volunteered with hearing impaired children.

6. When I was pregnant with Elizabeth I walked to the top of Snowdon AND completed the Shine Half Marathon for Cancer Research UK.

7. My all time favourite film is Dirty Dancing!

8. I was in the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Choir and performed in the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall!

9. As a child I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia (aka clumsy child syndrome) which effects gross motor co-ordination, writing and concentration.

10. I am the Community Manager for the Neighbourhood of Bury on the fantastic new MadeforMums local site which is all about bringing together local mums online and helping each other out by sharing tips and advice, debating local parenting issues or simply finding something new to do for your family...                          So why not click here to check out your local neighbourhood!

And I am tagging these lovely Mummy Bloggers to do the same...

Mummy Wants


And link back to
Have fun!

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