Monday 24 December 2012

Last Minute Christmas Gifts without leaving the house...

So all the shopping is done almost all wrapped and you're secretly smug when you see friends status updates saying they've left it all to the last minute and are having to rush round the shops battling the crowds and searching for a gifts on the empty shelves...

But then a disaster occurs! You've missed someone out ( or just found out your brother in law is bringing his new girlfriend for Christmas Dinner / or were so organised buying you Dad's present in July that you can't actually find it!) It's Christmas Eve, you want a lazy day in with the children, playing games, watching movies and preparing tomorrows veg, the last thing you want to do is traipse around the shops with the little ones in tow, fighting through all the last minute shoppers after being so prepared...

And you can't even order online even amazon prime won't get it to you on time now!!

Is the only option to run out to the corner shop and see if they have a box of chocs that could pass for half decent?

There are some alternatives!

Why not make it an activity with the children and bake a present? We made these lovely Festive Gingerbread cookies for the teachers at Ben's School and nursery staff at Elizabeth's nursery and today we will be making simple vanilla chocolate truffles as gifts for family members from the children. Great fun and hardly costs anything either so great if you're saving your money to spend in the sales!

If baking isn't your bag then why not get a voucher that you can print at home? From an experience gift at  Buyagift to a wide variety of things at Groupon including family days out, meals and even getaways, or if you think they'd prefer some music or a book then why not Amazon? Simply print it out and they can choose what to spend it on!!

All of the above offer the option of e-vouchers on their website, simply purchase and print off and you have a gift in seconds! To make it extra special, why not let your children get crafty and make a card to put the voucher in?

homemade card for e-voucher - last minute christmas gift

So don't panic, it may be Christmas Eve but you can still get some great gifts from the comfort of your own home!

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